Hello Hugo

When I started this site I decided to continue using WordPress. The predecessor of this site was hosted by wordpress.com and is still available at https://danvers72.wordpress.com. But WordPress is just overkill for a website that has mostly static content. But WordPress itself needs some regular maintenance also. On a regular base you need to update your WordPress instance, the plugins that you are using, the themes you are using. And you really need to this to keep your website secure. [Read More]

New site, new start

I have been writing about IT stuff on and off on my blogĀ danvers72.wordpress.com. Lately it has been mostly off because I was busy with other things. I used to use my old blog as a sort of notebook for myself so I could easily find things that I learned and were important enough to write down. Of course I have written down things I did not want to forget in a notebook, in my case I used One Note from Microsoft. [Read More]